January 24th, 2025 Rule Updates for BL2S (Brushless) including two-phase brushless transition.
The rule updates below are for the phased transition of the Spec Slash from brushed to brushless power.
Phase 1 – Effective 2/1/2025
This phase is the inclusion of brushless power but with forced gearing to slow the brushless truck to roughly the same top-end speed as the stock brushed truck.
Rule Updates:
- You can use the Traxxas BL-2S (3300kV) system OR the HobbyWing Justock 13.5T combo (sensored 3200kV).
- The stock 16-90 gearing is required for the BRUSHED Slash.
- 20-90 gearing is required for the HobbyWing Justock 13.5.
- 17-83 gearing required for the BL-2S powered trucks.
- Any 7 cell NiMh or 2s LiPo/LiHV 8.44 max.
- Shock limiters are allowed. Any shock-limiting device connected to the shock shaft can be used.
- Any Traxxas Slash truck body allowed (e.g. Ford Raptor allowed)
- New durability and customization upgrades allowed:
- TRA3531* – HD front arms allowed – all colors
- TRA3655* – HD rear arms allowed – all colors
- TRA3652* – Aluminum rear hubs – all colors
Phase 2 – Effective 9/1/2025
This phase makes the stock brushless truck the spec truck.
Rule Updates:
- Either stock BL-2S or HW 13.5 Justock combo.
- The stock 21-83 gearing must be used with the Traxxas BL-2S system.
- The HobbyWing 13.5 Justock combo gearing is 22-90.
- Any gearing is allowed with the brushed truck.
- LiHV allowed. No Voltage checks.
Official Rules
ROCCK Racing
This class is intended to be a fun class for racers of all skill levels. To keep a level playing field, no performance upgrades are allowed to the truck. Only a few optional durability upgrades are allowed to the truck. Ideally, a Ready-To-Run Slash, with a transponder added, can win any Spec Slash race in the hands of the right driver.
Allowable Models: This class is open to any RTR 2wd (Brushed or Brushless) Traxxas Slash, as well the Traxxas Slash Unassembled Kit (58014-4).
Cheating: Cheating diminishes the joy of the class. Do not ruin it for other racers by being dishonest. If you are caught cheating, you will be banned from the class, and likely from racing at ROCCK in the future.
Class Race Fee: $15
Kit – referencing original equipment contained in the original box that the vehicle was sold in. In its original factory form. Not aftermarket.
Aftermarket – not original equipment. Not offered as part of the original equipment line of parts, from the manufacturer.
Vehicle Modifications and Parts:
Body: All trucks must use the factory Traxxas body. You may elect to purchase a clear body and supply your own paint scheme. That is permissible as long as it is a Traxxas brand body. Cutting holes in the body for airflow is not allowed. It is permissible to remove torn, or broken pieces of the body, to prevent cuts/physical harm to turn marshals.
Chassis: No modifications may be made to the chassis system. Vehicle must be raced in its stock form. Original Traxxas Replacement parts, as supplied on original model 5805 truck kit, only for damaged/worn parts. No LCG chassis allowed.
Suspension: Both the front & the rear suspension systems must remain in stock form. Original Traxxas parts only. No aftermarket replacement components may be installed with the exception of placing the upper shock screws with longer screws and a nylon nut. This is allowed because the shock cap screw tends to get loose in the shock tower over time, and tends to back itself out. RPM rear hub carriers are allowed for durability improvements. Stock (kit) shock collars may be used to adjust ride height.
Legal Tuning Parts: Original 5805 Traxxas Kit Shock white Springs may be used. Shock Caps may be replaced with Alum Shock Cap #3767 (or any other related color). Shock oil may be changed for maintenance purposes.
Steering: No modifications may be made to the steering system. Original kit parts only. Traxxas metal gear conversion for the stock Traxxas servo is allowed. (See bottom of page for approved servos).
Bearings: Original Traxxas kit bearings are preferred, but any inexpensive bearings (less than a couple of dollars) may be used as normal wear and tear occurs. Ceramic bearings are not allowed. Keep it cheap, and keep it fun.
Electronics: Original RTR Kit electronics Speed Control XL-5, BL-2S, or HobbyWing Justock 13.5 combo & Servo (2075/2075x) only. You may run a receiver that is compatible with your race radio.
Battery: This class is limited to any NiCad or NiMh battery made up of 7 “sub C” size cells or 2s Lipo battery pack. LiHV batteries are allowed but 8.44V max voltage.
Wheels and Tires: Original Traxxas Slash brand 2.2” wheels and tires. Traxxas’ soft compound version of the kit tire is permitted in any Traxxas branded tread pattern.
Drive-line: Only the original Traxxas transmission internals may be used. No aftermarket or replacement drive components may be installed. Traxxas gear differential is required.
Additional Rules and Regulations:
Spot checks may occur at any time if other racers believe an individual has a truck that is out of spec, regardless of finishing position.
Heats and mains are all heads-up racing.
Allowable Durability Upgrades:
- RPM Rear Hub Carriers – 80382/80385
- RPM Caster Blocks – 80712 (all colors)
- Traxxas Aluminum Shock Caps – 3767 (all colors)
- Traxxas Slash Soft (S1) Compound Tires
- Any Traxxas brand Slash body
- Traxxas Metal Servo Gear Set – TRA2072R
- Traxxas Metal Gear Servo (2075x) – TRA2075X
- TRA3531* – HD front arms allowed – all colors
- TRA3655* – HD rear arms allowed – all colors
- TRA3652* – Aluminum rear hubs – all colors